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SetPosition              Moves Turtle to a Specific Location

 SetPosition(X,Y : Integer);                                          [TG/TP]

    Moves the turtle to the turtle coordinate (X,Y). No line is drawn,
    even if the pen is currently down.

             X,Y    Turtle coordinates; turtle's new location. 320 x 200
                    modes : -159 <= X <= 160,  -99 <= Y <= 100 640 x 200
                    modes : -319 <= X <= 320,  -99 <= Y <= 100

          Notes:    The extended graphics external declaration file
                    GRAPH.P must be included to use this procedure.

                    The video display must be in graphics mode before this
                    procedure is called.

  -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

           {$I GRAPH.P }

           GraphMode;               { Put display into graphics mode }
           ShowTurtle;              { display turtle in middle of display }
           Readln;                  { Wait for carriage-return }
           SetPosition(50,50);      { move turtle to 50,50 }

See Also: Xcor Ycor PenDown Home
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson